Kategoriarkiv: SQL Server – scripts
How to move a Logfile to another location
— If you need to move a logfile onto another harddrive, you can do it this way. USE master GO — If this command just keeps running, then it properly is because there is connection against the database ALTER DATABASE … Læs resten
Showing the number of packages read and written in the last 30 sec.
— A script showing the number of reads/write for the last 30 sek. — Made by SeoSoft ApS — E-mail: SEO@SeoSoft.dk SELECT c.session_id, c.num_reads, c.num_writes, c.net_packet_size, c.client_net_address, st.text INTO #CONNECTIONS FROM sys.dm_exec_connections AS c CROSS APPLY (SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_sql_text(c.most_recent_sql_handle)) … Læs resten
Create XML file for showing SQL Security settings
— This script is making an XML file showing all security setting at a SQL Server — specifying which users are member of which Server/Database roles — Perhaps I am modifying the script to show which objects user defined roles … Læs resten
Drop Column statistics
Are you facing suddenly poor performance, try to recreate Columns statistics. SQL Server are using these statistics to decide which execution-plan would be the best. You always have to run this script when you are upgrading your SQL server from … Læs resten